All journeys start with a single step. Giving KIPPsters a world-class education is the spark that can ignite their future. This requires investments in people, places, and programs.
Our Goals
Educate children in schools that are rich in culture, joyous in spirit, and consistently excellent in academics.
Grow to reach more children, delivering an excellent learning experience for all that includes college-ready academics in joyful schools that affirm students.
Advance excellence across all education systems, not just our own.
Adapt and implement key elements of our model—including the practices, methods, and tools we’ve developed—in other school systems for the benefit of all students. Looking ahead, we will disseminate our ideas and practices to district and charter leaders beyond KIPP.
Build a talent engine that creates and sustains great schools.
KIPP’s success is tied to our ability to nurture and prepare outstanding leaders. With 33,000 students on our waitlists, current principals expanding their roles, and more growth on the horizon, we need more than 300 new principals over the next five years.
Partner with communities to speak and act for positive change.
Through broad community engagement, we will use the power of our collective voice to advocate alongside students, alumni, and families for a more just world.
Champion choice, helping to forge individual paths to a successful, fulfilling life.
Strengthen the KIPP high school experience by enhancing our academics and guiding students through college and into careers.
Grow future leaders who will change the face of leadership in America.
KIPPsters are making their mark, earning degrees, building businesses, reforming policy, serving their communities, and rising through the ranks of companies and organizations. We’re strengthening how we support students so that every KIPPster has the skills and confidence to pursue any path that leads to their highest aspirations.